Mu Delta Alumni Weekend

Mu Delta Brothers,
We will be hosting an Alumni weekend on the weekend of September 20-21, 2019. The weekend will consist of golf, a banquet, and a watch party at the house for the Texas A&M football game. Anyone is welcome, including friends and family. We hope you take this opportunity to meet some new brothers and reconnect with your old ones. A schedule for the weekend can be seen below. All events are optional. If attending, please sign up using the link at the end of the page.
Friday, Sept. 20, Time TBA - Golf
Alumni and Active Brothers will participate in a game of Golf at Indian Pines Golf Course in Auburn.
Friday, Sept. 20, 7:30 PM - Active and Alumni Banquet
All will gather for a meal together to discuss the current state of the chapter and reminisce. Location TBA
Saturday, Sept. 21, Time TBA - Watch Party/Tailgate at the house
Join us at the house to watch Auburn beat Texas A&M in the front yard on a large video board. Games, Food, and Refreshment provided, families welcome.